One of the seniors, named Murielle, had this to say about the results she has experienced since participating in my health study:
“After just 3 weeks of following Alex Gellman’s homeopathic regimen for seniors, I am happy to report positive changes. Despite not being able to give up my morning coffee habit or the occasional glass of wine, my aches and pains and other afflictions are much reduced, I sleep soundly and have more energy. I truly believe Alex has put me on the road to better health and enjoyment of life”.
Murielle also reported these positive points:
“• prior to this regimen my legs hurt all the time and now they rarely ache
• I was able to keep active and busy gardening and walking
• My carpal tunnel symptoms have reduced so they are practically non-existant
• I had a headache every day previously – now I have had only one headache while on this regimen which could be attributed to having eaten popcorn
• mucous in throat and nose is much reduced – perhaps due to elimination of dairy, producing more comfortable sleep
• bowels are solid and more regular vs. having the runs after eating
• sleep and energy levels have improved “
Based on her experience so far trust, I trust Murielle will be motivated to continue on the regimen, and I hope to soon have more success stories to share.