MAKE THREE CHANGES AND IMPROVE YOUR LIFE— Everywhere we turn today, we encounter guidelines and tips for improving fitness, increasing energy, fighting fat, how to live longer, etc., including here or in my newsletters. We can’t … [Continue reading]
New Online Multi-Faith Services
Are your spiritual needs being met by your current religious practices? Do you question the relevance of certain religious observances when it comes to expressing your faith? Are you feeling “dogged by dogma,” even though you know some ancient … [Continue reading]
Manifestations Focus Workshops
THIS YEAR, GO BEYOND RESOLUTIONS— We'll be offering two remote workshops in January 2022 to help everyone get a head start on turning your New Year's Resolutions into reality. In sessions lasting two-and-a-half hours, you'll create a vision board … [Continue reading]
REDUCE YOUR STRESS! – with a Stress on Nutrition
“Eat your vegetables!” “Have fruit, not cookies!” We all heard a version of these phrases from a parent or guardian when we were kids, and though we may have protested, even our child-size brain knew they had a point. Your mother’s main concern was … [Continue reading]
Gluten Intolerance—When Cereals Make You Ill
The number of people who are intolerant of bread, pizza, or pasta is growing all the time. More of us seem to be exhibiting an intolerance reaction to the storage protein gluten, which is primarily found in native cereal types, and are therefore … [Continue reading]
Potassium – Is it the mineral miracle?
Studies have shown that increasing your intake of potassium may lead to greater weight loss. Not only does potassium assist in your weight loss goals, but it also fights off the risks of heart disease and high blood pressure. Potassium helps reduce … [Continue reading]
Bone Density: Risk Factors and Renewal
A few years ago, I injured my shoulder at the gym. It was so bad I couldn’t swim or weight train or even lift my left arm over my head for yoga poses for a full eight months while it healed. Fortunately, at the time I worked with a knowledgeable … [Continue reading]
What is The Keto Diet?
Most of us have heard about low carb diets including Dr. Atkins and South Beach. But the most popular one at the moment seems to be The Ketogenic Diet. The big difference, says Mayo Clinic, is Keto is a high fat and very low carb diet. Check with … [Continue reading]
Here are 10 good reasons to try Homeopathy: 1. NATURAL ACTION Homeopathy works by stimulating the body’s own natural defence mechanism to promote health and to resist infection and susceptibility to disease. Although gentle, the results can … [Continue reading]