Everywhere we turn today, we encounter guidelines and tips for improving fitness, increasing energy, fighting fat, how to live longer, etc., including here or in my newsletters. We can’t watch TV or explore online without coming across ways to get more healthy, wealthy, and wise. If you’re interested but feeling a little overwhelmed or not sure where to start, a good way to get a new lifestyle plan off the ground is to apply the rule of three.
Plan to isolate THREE things you will do to embrace greater health. This helps make your progress manageable and ultimately successful.
Pick three from the suggestions listed below. Let me know which three are on your list. Alex
- Give up for three to five days every week foods that are not so good for you. These may be acid, gluten, and yeasty foods, such as fried, rich dairy products, carbonated sugar or diet beverages, beef and pork, gluten breads (including all whole wheat, multi-grain bread, sugar in all forms), and alcoholic beverages. Eat less of these types of foods because they can create inflammation and a predisposition to a more acidic milieu in the body that predisposes the body to illness and weakened immune and digestive systems.
- Incorporate new healthy food into your daily food plan, such as healthier dairy products (yogurt, goat cheese, cottage cheese, rice cheese products, and kefir), more fish, poultry, gluten-free grains (millet, quinoa, brown rice, amaranth, ezekiel, and buckwheat), and gluten-reduced products (rye, kamut, and spelt). The suggested foods will reduce inflammation, improve elimination, and reduce bloating. You’ll also have increased energy and an improved emotional state.
- Increase your exercise regime or if you do not workout, introduce a gentle exercise – perhaps 20 minutes twice a week.
- Take 30 minutes every week to explore creativity such as music, art, writing, or any other form of personal expression.
- Practice mindfulness – “be in the moment” by taking time to be still and at peace. Fifteen minutes of meditation will facilitate this state.
- Reach out and open your heart to somebody or volunteer at a charity. This process helps others and lightens any emotional pain you may have.